Getting started


RallyTransact's gasless transactions can be utilized outside of the RallyMobile SDK such as from a backend, web dapp, desktop, etc. Submitting transactions to RallyTransact is a 2 step process:

  1. Sign a transaction on the client (web, backend, etc)

  2. Create a HTTP request containing a JSON payload with details about the transaction you'd like to relay.

Get an API key for gasless transactions

An API key is required to use RallyTransact's infrastructure to power gasless transactions. Visit to generate both Amoy and Mainnet Polygon API keys.

Using an existing Gas Station Network Client Library.

Our hosted transaction infrastructure honors the Gas Station Network interface with the addition of an authentication HTTP header containing your API key. If you're already using a GSN client the following steps should be all you need to change:

  1. Set as your relay URL.

  2. Add the following header to the HTTP request Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_API_TOKEN>

Submitting Requests Without a GSN Library

Examples coming soon. Reach out to us on Discord and we'll happily walk you through it

Last updated