Determining the gasless transaction method
Contracts that have the executeMetaTransaction
or the Permit
method for gasless transactions are natively supported by our SDK to perform gasless transactions.
Does your contract use a different gasless transaction method? Contact us on Discord with the contract address and method to find a solution.
Here is how to check if your contract supports the executeMetaTransaction method for gasless transactions:
Method 1
Verifying the Contract Name
View your token contract on polygonscan
Click on the Contract tab
Click on the Code tab
If the Contract Name displays
, it supports theexecuteMetaTransaction
Here is an example of the RLY Token on Polygonscan
UChildERC20Proxy contracts inherit from the UChildERC20 contract that natively supports the executeMetaTransaction method.
Method 2
Verify the implementation contract
View your token contract on polygonscan
Click on the Contract tab
Click on the Read Contract
Navigate to the contract address under the implementation dropdown
Click on the Contract tab
Click on the Write Contract
Check that the contract has the executeMetaTransaction method
Here is an example of the RLY Token's implementation contract on Polygonscan
View your token contract on polygonscan
Click on the Contract tab
Click on the Write Contract
Check that the contract has the permit method
Here is an example of the TAKI Token's implementation contract on Polygonscan
Last updated